Sometimes, Sobriety Sucks Los Angeles Sober Living for Men

Sometimes, Sobriety Sucks Los Angeles Sober Living for Men

Before you call me ungrateful or tell me that I am a hop, skip and a jump away from a relapse, hear me out. Yes, freedom from addiction and a life of sobriety is an incredibly amazing journey.

living sober sucks

I felt deprived of drinking and deprived of freedom. But what does moderate drinking mean exactly? Does it mean a certain number each day? Maybe you’re out with friends and you decide that you will drink water in between drinks.

You avoid alcohol- or drug-related health problems.

No one in their right mind would ever plan for that, but it happens. Don’t beat yourself up for it, don’t hate yourself for it and don’t let others make you feel guilty because of it.

Breaking that routine is going to be hard, but I know I can do it. I am Day 30 today and it has been a rollercoaster! I am really proud of myself and experiencing a lot of the positives such as no more sobriety sucks bloatedness and puffiness and my face has lost most its redness. My emotions have been very difficult and I agree with the sugar substitute. I was never a soda drinker but apparently I am now!

HPP Media Podcasts

But I’m living proof that another way out of alcohol addiction – a more proactive, more empowering, more effective, and more exciting way – is 100% possible. You don’t have to let yourself hit rock bottom and then declare that you’re an alcoholic forever. I know how much it sucks to feel like drinking is your only relief and the bane of your existence. You feel young but you secretly know that you’re not living up to your real potential. Maybe your personality is chill, easy-going, and low stress.

  • Boozemusings blog and BOOM, Private, Anonymous, Community Forum.
  • I don’t think that people are liars or lazy; life is busy and you’ve got plenty of things to do already.
  • Everyone around you will have to deal with and get accustomed to the new and evolving YOU.
  • Please have a listen to the podcast.