
Sage is ideal for freelance accountants and micro businesses focused on invoice management and cash flow tracking. Xero is suited for small and medium-sized businesses, offering more advanced features like project accounting, payroll, and inventory management. The Established plan costs $80 per month and includes...

Billing a fixed-price contract often happens on a percentage-of-completion basis with retainage withheld. Factoring for some of the essential differences from general accounting, construction accounting relies on several important concepts. Contractors need precise tracking and reporting, as well as collection and cash-flow strategies to...

Remember, you need to complete all four updates for the year to maintain your Advisor certification. Business owners, freelancers and entrepreneurs often spend a large chunk of time on administration and accounting. Suited for small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), Xero is an affordable cloud-based accounting...

It highlights the changes in value to stockholders’ or shareholders’ equity, or ownership interest in a company, from the beginning of a given accounting period to the end of that period. Typically, the statement of shareholders’ equity measures changes from the beginning of the year...

Drawings are neither assets nor liability; that’s the reduction of the company’s equity and deducted from the owner’s equity. Some terminology may vary depending on the type of entity structure. Before taking money or other assets out of their company, small business owners should be...

Start with a free account to explore 20+ always-free courses and hundreds of finance templates and cheat sheets. Browse our Private Company Perspectives collection for insights and evolving trends for private when are 2019 tax returns due companies. For instance, the current ratio is the...

ContentLearn How NetSuite Can Streamline Your BusinessIAS Plus newsletter — IFRIC 15 'Accounting for Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate'Industry ProductsIAS 11 — Construction ContractsTime-and-Materials ContractIFRS in Focus — IASB issues revised exposure draft on revenue recognition Minor losses, such as spoilage, breakage, and disappearance...