Drug Addiction Hurts Relationships

Drug Addiction Hurts Relationships

He says he loves me yet when we’re together he’s lying daily cz he’s using n hiding etc. All his relatives have distanced themselves from me loving an addict I have zero support. I can’t speak to my family cz I just don’t wanna hear it! I kicked him out and I’ve just gotten lonelier and lonelier.

Then his phone was disconnected and there’s no way of contacting him. I’m so worried, I’ve never experienced anything like this, it’s such a shame. I reached out to his family and they told me to move on so they must know how bad it gets. He came at a right time in my life and was so sweet https://ecosoberhouse.com/ and kind , it never occurred to me he had a problem. I feel so lost , I’ve been researching and the more I read the more I’m shocked. I just can’t comprehend how this happens and the living conditions are so dangerous. My heart literally feels like it’s breaking from just feeling helpless.

Replacing Drug Addiction with Love Addiction

She has been married 10 years, and enjoys her three beautiful children. David Elliott serves as the Founder and President of Burning Tree Programs. Responsible for architecting the vision of the organization, David’s chief mission is to promote lasting change in the lives of those suffering from chronic relapse. With a hands-on approach, involved presence, and unyielding commitment to excellence, David serves as the heartbeat of our organization’s steadfast commitment to long-term, progress-based treatment. “My favorite part of what we do is to witness the evolution that individuals undergo during the course of treatment at Burning Tree.” An avid dog lover, Mr. Elliott resides in Dallas, TX. He has been sober since 1992. Please do not think “if he loved me he would choose me”.

What’s on TV This Week: ‘The Vow’ and ‘American Horror Story’ – The New York Times

What’s on TV This Week: ‘The Vow’ and ‘American Horror Story’.

Posted: Mon, 17 Oct 2022 05:00:06 GMT [source]

I have recently kicked my partner out who is addicted to crack cocaine. He hid it so well for a while but I started to find paraphernalia and the more I looked the more I found. Until one day he just started to blatantly smoke in front of me. My first boundary was not to help him when he is drinking.

Two Sides of Addiction for Betty Ford and Amy Winehouse

If you are experiencing domestic violence in your relationship, you can always reach out to a domestic violence hotline. There are also alcohol and narcotics abuse hotline numbers available to help with addiction. Living with an addict or alcoholic can put the loved one at greater risk of victimization.

loving an addict is hard

Additionally, obsessiveness and anxiety can occur that love addicts cannot fix alone. Therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can help bring awareness to the love addict as they become mindful of their thoughts. Online therapy can also be an effective option for those with a love addiction and who may wish to opt for at-home treatment. Meditation can slow the feeling of anxiety and bring compassion to the individual suffering. Love addiction can exist with other types of mental or emotional challenges.