30 Apr The Unexpected

My year so far has been nothing but unexpected. The first 3 months were so surreal I couldn’t believe I was in Europe, au pairing no less. My first time overseas.
I had decided to au pair overseas so I could gain perspective, independence and grow as a person. I have achieved all of those things and way more than I thought I would. I have grown in ways I didn’t know were possible for me. I came here to try and learn more about myself and discover who I am. After just 5 months here, I was already seeing a difference in me, how mature and independent I had become. So much so, even my host parents were noticing the changes in me. It blew my mind that I could change so much in such a short amount of time. It made me happy knowing I could and that I have grown so much. It’s one of the main reasons I wanted to live away from home for a year. Getting out of my comfort zone and creating some space between my very loving, but very protective parents.
Exploring parts of Holland was nothing short of an eye-opening. It was crazy to see how different people live their lives here compared to South Africa, like 2 different worlds completely. I have loved every minute of it. From getting off at the wrong train stations, to stumbling upon little hidden cafés – it has all been one big adventure that is now memories which will stick with me for a very long time. And if you’re a bit of a shopaholic like me, the Netherlands is the right place to visit to fulfil that side of you. I have bought so many beautiful items of clothing that I have an additional suitcase to take home with me now.
Another thing is to make sure you get out at night on the weekends as nightlife here is something I’ve never seen before.
Around my 7th month, things took a bit of a turn for reasons out of anyone’s control. The Coronavirus had spread to the Netherlands and had now affected what I could do on a daily basis and where I could go. My travel plans had to be cancelled. Although things were not going as planned and things were getting quite scary all around the world, I had the choice to go back home to Cape Town early. I decided to stay and finish my year because I know, had I left earlier I would’ve regretted it once I got back home to South Africa.
This is where the unexpected aspect came into play. No one saw this coming. If I had a glimpse into the future, to know and see what my year in the Netherlands would’ve looked like with the coronavirus and everything connected to it, I would’ve still gone. I say this because I would not be the person I am today without having travelled overseas at the age of 18, without any family, coming from a very sheltered life to having to learn how to be responsible quite quickly and do so much by myself. I discovered how brave I am.
I was lucky enough to have a very supportive and loving host family who I will stay in touch with for many years to come. I have formed an unbreakable bond with my 4-year-old girl and 1-year-old baby boy, who I will be able to watch grow up even further now. I was part of a very important time in their lives and that will make saying goodbye much harder, but it’s not forever.
Being an au pair was the best decision I have ever made. I am so grateful for my Dutch family and friends I met along the way and The Au Pair agency who helped me whenever I needed it.
Kira Sutherland xx